No Commercial Hunting
Welcome to the Covert Ranch
Texas trophy whitetail deer and bird hunting at its best. If you are looking for a Texas trophy whitetail deer hunt and/or to experience some of the finest Texas dove or turkey hunting, you have come to the right place.
We have a MLP (Managed Land Permit) extended deer hunting season from October 1 through the entire month of February!
We specialize in corporate and family South Texas whitetail deer hunts, bird hunts (including Texas turkey and dove hunting) and provide pre-hunt educational materials to enhance your hunting experience.
When we schedule corporate or family Texas deer hunts for larger groups, we try not to schedule other hunters during your event to provide you privacy and exclusivity.
We have produced many statewide deer contest winners.
Our Texas hunting ranch is one of the best areas in the USA for trophy whitetail deer hunting.
We hold the Texas state record for deer horn mass - over 48 inches!
We have some of the best South Texas Dove and Rio Grande Turkey hunting, all wild, native birds.
No other Texas hunting ranch has so consistently produced huge whitetail bucks in a traditional environment with only existing native genetics.
We have no breeding or shooting pens, no trucked-in deer, no introduction of out-of-state deer and our deer have no ear tags.
Texas Whitetail Deer Videos
See South Texas Whitetail Deer in the natural environment found at Covert Ranch.